Military facility for jet fuel transfer from large underground storage tank to aircraft re - fueling hydrant pit 军用航油运输设施:从地下储油罐到给飞行器加油的现场。
Early versions of the probe - and - drogue receiving equipment were bulky ( especially for fighters ) and fuel transfer rates were slow 早期版本的探头锥管受油设备相当庞大(特别是对战斗机而言)并且油料的传送速率很低。
Imposing driving licence disqualification provision for repeated offenders ; . expanding the presumption provision for fuel transferred to or from a vehicle s fuel tank at any location other than those licensed under the dangerous goods ordinance is presumed dutiable ; and 扩大推定的条文至由非持有《危险品条例》牌照的地方转移燃油至汽车油缸或由汽车油缸转移至非持有危险品条例牌照的地方,此些燃油乃推定为应课税货品;